If you are like me, I know you want to leave a legacy in this world.
You want to help people fulfil their potential and experience the wellness, fulfilment and wealth we all deserve.
I also know that growing the business where you are paid to share your gifts can be confusing!
“Where do I start?”
“What business model should I use?”
“How do I market what I do?”
"What should my prices be?"
It’s easy to feel lost and unsure about how to package your gifts and earn a consistent income so you can fulfil your purpose on planet Earth.
That is why I created the Dream Business Intensive!
Dream Business Intensive is my signature program for coaches, healers, speakers & authors that will empower and support you to add your value to humanity – and be rewarded for it.
In the program, I will help you to achieve 3 things:
1. A CLEAR Business Plan & Offers
2. Heart-Centered Marketing & Sales
3. A Thriving 6-Figure Career
Dream Business Intensive will walk you step-by-step through the journey of growing a profitable & meaningful 6-figure business this year!